These past nine days…

These past nine days, though raw and sorrowful, have been full of respect, grace, humility, freedom and love. A coming together. Extraordinary beauty. Joy. I can say that in the wake of all that, with the culmination of today’s events, from the smallest gesture of unity on the sidewalk of Marion Square, to the National commitment to letting love win,...

We’ve got Behemoths on the B.A.R. Agenda June 3

Update June 5 – The BAR ruled as follows: Jasper – DENIED. Apartment Building – WITHDRAWN. Hotel – APPROVED. _____________________ Three Behemoths to be precise. Three projects so large, so complex and so controversial, they had to have their own separate meeting happening June 3 at 4:30PM in the Charleston Museum Auditorium (because many many many people will be attending)....