A grand Charleston estate for sale – The Sword Gate House

On this blog, I try to post properties which I consider to be special, unique or a deal you cannot miss.  You will rarely see mention of something just because I or my company represents it.

The Sword Gate House at 32 Legare, a grand Charleston estate for sale, meets the criteria for what I mention to you.

This home in Downtown Charleston’s exclusive South of Broad neighborhood just came on the market after being painstakingly restored and carries an asking price of $23,000,000.  This price is $10M more than another estate on the market at 60 Montagu St and more than three times the price of the home that holds the current Downtown Charleston record at a little over $7M .  Read further to understand why.  The home and outbuildings include 9 bedrooms and 13 baths in a luxurious 17,000 square feet.   On one of the Charleston Peninsula’s largest lots with staff quarters built in, the home rests behind custom iron gates and a brick privacy wall.  This is a unique opportunity to have the creme-de-la-creme in Charleston, as homes like this rarely come on the market.

If you would like to arrange a private visit to both the home and Charleston, please let me know and I will make the arrangements for you.

Click here for more details and photos:

The Sword Gate Home

The Sword Gate House


[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?client=safari&q=32+legare+st+charleston+sc&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF8&split=0&gl=us&ei=rUZ0Sui5IIaHtgf4-4yXCQ&t=h&ll=32.774055,-79.934083&spn=0.001579,0.00228&z=18&output=embed&w=425&h=350]

The home’s history, as stated by the Preservation Society of Charleston is as follows:

32 Legare Street
Sword Gate House

Legare Street is named for goldsmith Solomon Legare “the Huguenot,” who built the first house on this property. Before the lot left the family in 1803, his descendants had become wealthy plantation owners and commission merchants.

This large U-shaped house was built in at least four stages. The earliest section (front right) is part of the eighteenth century dwelling that replaced Legare’s original house. Merchants Jacob Steinmetz and Paul Lorent retained this three story, one room wide section when they constructed what is now the central portion ca. 1803. By 1818 they had added long brick wing (left), which boasts one of Charleston’s most elegant ballrooms, and the separate kitchen house facing Tradd Street. In about 1849 George Hopley added a rear wing to the right side.

From 1819 through 1848, Anne Talvande kept a “select academy for young ladies” here. One of South Carolina’s best-known literary women, Mary Boykin Chesnut, was educated by Madame Talvande.

The Sword Gate was made by ironworker Christopher Werner in 1838 for the city’s new Guard House, but never used until Hopley installed it here in about 1849. During the Charleston Renaissance in the early 20th century, the walls and gates on both Tradd and Legare Street were artists’ favorites. The Sword Gate was a subject for Elizabeth O’Neill Verner and Alfred Hutty, while Harold Tatum and others depicted the Tradd Street scene.

From 1952 to 1998 while the Sword Gate Inn occupied the brick wing of the house, there were separate dwellings in the main building and kitchen. The entire property was restored as a private residence in 2002.

Listed by Disher Hamrick and Myers

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