Vintage Movie of Charleston
Check out this neat video sent to me by a friend, courtesy of Bulldog Tours. It’s called Charleston “City of Proud Memories”. While so much has changed, very little has too….
Here are a few quotes…
Somebody has called Charleston the most civilized city in the United States
It’s the one place where social life isn’t organized around wealth.
Charleston is a city with a voice all its own.
Great footage and video relic! Nice to see all those bikes on the old streets, too.
BTW, Kristin, did you know you made the latest issue of Bicycling Mag?
Little blurb on Charleston in the feature on destinations for bike riding, referencing “realtors who show houses by bike.”
Oo Stephanie – no I didn’t see that Bicycling Mag issue. I would love to though! Searching now….:)